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[백준/파이썬] 32515번 BB84 -Coden = int(input())lines = [input() for _ in range(4)]res = ""for i in range(n): if lines[0][i] == lines[2][i]: if lines[1][i] == lines[3][i]: res += lines[1][i] else: print("htg!") exit()print(res) 2024. 11. 4.
[백준/파이썬] 32327번 Dusa And The Yobis -Coderes = int(input())while True: try: d = int(input()) if d >= res: break res += d except EOFError: breakprint(res) 2024. 11. 3.
[백준/파이썬] 32587번 Dragged-out Duel -Codedef sol(w1, w2): if w1 == "R" and w2 == "S": return True elif w1 == "S" and w2 == "P": return True elif w1 == "P" and w2 == "R": return True else: return Falsen = int(input())a = input()b = input()a_win, b_win = 0, 0for i in range(n): if a[i] == b[i]: continue if sol(a[i], b[i]): a_win += 1 else: b_win += 1print("victory".. 2024. 11. 2.
[백준/파이썬] 32604번 Jumbled Scoreboards -Codenow_t, now_p = -1, -1flag = Truefor _ in range(int(input())): a, b = map(int, input().split()) if not flag: continue if now_t > a or now_p > b: flag = False continue now_t, now_p = a, bprint("yes" if flag else "no") 2024. 11. 1.
[백준/파이썬] 26336번 Are We Stopping Again? -Codefor _ in range(int(input())): res = set() idx = 1 total, oil, food = map(int, input().split()) while True: oil_mile = oil * idx food_mile = food * idx if oil_mile > total and food_mile > total: break if oil_mile 2024. 10. 31.
[백준/파이썬] 32305번 Farmers’ Market -Codefrom math import ceila, b = map(int, input().split())d = int(input())print(ceil(a * b / 12) * d) 2024. 10. 30.